Stop the Yelling! 

Learn to Communicate Effectively and Healthily in Your Couple Relationship  

 Are you tired of the yelling matches that leave you and your partner feeling frustrated and disconnected from each other? It’s time to understand why this happens, so you can break free from communication breakdowns through my online program Stop the Yelling! 

I’m Lissy Abrahams, psychotherapist and relationship expert, and I will guide you through my tried and tested strategies for calming reactivity at home and communicating healthily so you can create a peaceful and loving relationship. 

Transform Your Relationship Today

As Seen On:

The Dangers of Yelling in Your Relationship 

I’ve seen many partners endanger their couple relationship when yelling takes up residence at home. Yelling is a defense mechanism, and what most people don’t know is that it’s used as a form of self-protection. In fact, there are many defense mechanisms, and some of these include rationalizations, external excuse making, denial, projection, compartmentalization and many more.  

In this program I reveal how these forms of self-protection cause lasting damage to couple relationships. Some partners frequently feel misunderstood, lonely, unsupported, and some even separate.  

Defense mechanisms like yelling: 

The Dangers of Yelling in Your Relationship 

When yelling becomes a regular part of your interactions, it can lead to consequences that endanger your relationship. It can cause lasting damage that leaves you and your partner feeling unsupported and misunderstood. 

The Solution 

Stop the Yelling! reveals the practical tools and techniques needed to understand and manage your own emotions and go-to defense mechanisms for you to improve your couple communication. By signing up for this program you will:  

  • Learn why yelling happens and how to prevent it 
  • Discover techniques to stay calm during heated moments 
  • Develop skills to communicate effectively and empathetically 
  • Create a more peaceful and loving relationship 
Start Communicating Healthily

Brought to you by Lissy Abrahams

Lissy Abrahams is a leading psychotherapist and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples find their way back to each other. Her journey has led her to gain Honours in Psychology (Sydney, Australia), a Diploma in Couple Attachment and a Masters in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Couples at the renowned Tavistock Relationships (London, UK).  

After nine years in London, Lissy returned to Australia and founded the Heath Group Practice, a therapy clinic where she continues to work with individuals and couples worldwide. Her approach is backed by extensive research and practical techniques, focusing on sharing knowledge, enhancing emotional intimacy and relationship happiness.  

Lissy's deep understanding makes her a trusted guide for couples seeking to reconnect and strengthen their bonds. With over two decades of experience, Lissy has supported thousands of couples through her clinical practice, her online programs, her book Relationship Reset, her podcast Relationships Under the Microscope and media appearances. 





As Seen On:

Brought to you by Lissy Abrahams

Lissy Abrahams is a compassionate psychotherapist and relationship expert who has dedicated her life to helping couples find their way back to each other. Her journey has led her to gain Honours in Psychology and a Master’s in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Couples at the renowned Tavistock Relationships (London).  

After nine years in London, Lissy returned to Australia and founded the Heath Group Practice, a therapy clinic where she continues to work with individuals and couples worldwide. Her empathetic approach is backed by extensive research and practical techniques, focusing on enhancing emotional intimacy and relationship satisfaction.  

Lissy's deep understanding and genuine care make her a trusted guide for couples seeking to reconnect and strengthen their bonds. With over two decades of experience, Lissy has supported thousands of couples through her practice in Sydney, her online programs, her book Relationship Reset, and her media appearances. 


As Seen On:

What People Say About Lissy:

Who's It For?

Stop the Yelling! is for anyone who feels their couple relationship is frequently damaged by couple communication easily going off track. Yelling is just one of many defense mechanisms that harms couple relationships. Other harmful defense mechanisms are also explored in Stop the Yelling!  

Whether you’re newly together, been together for a few years or even decades, this program will help you communicate more effectively and rebuild your connection. 

Sign Up Now


This valuable program is now available to you for $97USD. Take advantage of this opportunity to invest in your relationship for less than the cost of half a therapy session! 

Get Started Today

Begin with our focused program designed to help you calm reactions and transform your couple communication. Each module in Stop the Yelling! offers practical, easy-to-follow strategies to help you and your partner connect on a deeper level.   

What You'll Learn in "Stop the Yelling!" 

What You'll Learn in "Stop the Yelling!" 

Begin with our focused program designed to help you manage your reactions and transform your communication. Each module in "Stop the Yelling!" offers practical, easy-to-follow strategies to help you and your partner connect on a deeper level. Here’s what you can expect: 

Program FAQs

Start Communicating Healthily Today. Sign Up Now!  

Stop the yelling once and for all. Join my program today and start building a stronger, more connected partnership. 

Improve Your Relationship Starting Today








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